If you lose your schedule, you can print a new one at http://cheerpositive.wikispaces.com/MS+Cheer+Schedule
You can always visit the Cheer Wiki to find things like these:
- Boyer Valley Fight Song
- BV Cheer Calendar
- BV Cheer Chat
- Links
- MS Cheer Schedule
- Purpose Driven Cheerleading
- Voice; Tone, Volume, and Cadence
I will try to post copies of our chant list on there too.
I was impressed by how well and how quickly you all learned your first chant today. It should be easy for you to learn a lot of chants next Wednesday so that you'll do well at our first game next Thursday. I'm REALLY excited about what a great Cheer program we have this year- thanks to YOU!
It will be wonderful if we can get more than 3 people at any of the Monday games this season, although I want to support the Cross Country and Volleyball teams and coaches anyway I can, so please pick a date and run it by your VB or XC coaches first. I "CCed" them this email so that they know what is going on. (Coaches, if your reading- can you please take team pictures and email them to me for Web & YrBk or set up a time for me to take one as soon as is convenient? Thanks)
It will be wonderful if we can get one or two of your parents to drive some of you to the Charter Oak-Ute and Woodbine games.
Even if The Sep. 9 game were the only one we could cheer at, practicing this season will prepare you to be an even better squad for basketball season. I realize that many of you may not end up cheering in high school, so I hope that what you learn in MS Cheer will be fun and give you a great sense of school spirit. FYI, Cammey Hast cheers at HS FB games even though she plays Volleyball, so if you learn enough and get good enough, we can make things work (basketball's harder).
Reminder- I've already ordered t-shirts for everyone but Cat, Chelsea, and Cassie, so as soon as you bring your $15 you can have the top part of your uniform. We'll get the skirts out to you next week, before the game Thursday. I will order shirts for the 3C's ASAP, I have some non cheerleaders that are interested too.
Be sure to share this email with your parents and feel free to talk to me if you have any questions that I can help with. But when in doubt, check the Wiki.
"Legacies" (Cheerleaders with older sisters in cheer) Fernanda and Emily, and maybe Mali and Melinda too, although it may be harder for you- Any chance you get, please have your siblings teach, practice or review cheers with you. You might also ask them to teach you jumps too.
Looking forward to NEXT Wednesday,
Coach Mallory
Boyer Valley Community Schools
Cheerleading Coach
ted.mallory@gmail.comhttp://cheerpositive.wikispaces.comSchool- 712-643-2258 Ext. 249Cell- 712-269-5853
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