Friday, September 11, 2009

MS 2009 Debut

I talked up last year's MS squad as about the best I'd had since I've been at Boyer Valley- and they were, (although those who are now in 8th and 9th grade are too committed to volleyball right now for cheer). And I will be upfront about the fact that this new squad squabbled quite a bit and only knows maybe 5 chants so far- be that as it may, they... Read More managed something absolutely amazing that I've never seen a Jr Hi squad do until now at a first game, something that Varsity squads often struggle to achieve by mid season- THEY GOT THE CROWD TO CHEER WITH THEM! And to clap and sometimes even stand up, all game long. Now maybe that says something about those fans (mostly parents) but I still think it is incredible, and they are too. Their knowledge is fledgling and their skills have a ways to go, but their enthusiasm is unparalleled (if anything, we may need to curb it a bit). This will be an insanely amazing squad, just you watch!

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