Thursday, February 05, 2015

Uniform Inventory

Mr. Gee would like all our athletic teams to conduct a thorough inventory. So as soon as basketball season is over, I will need to ask you all to return their uniforms and (unless they paid for them) their warm-ups. 

This is so that we'll have an accurate count. Other schools require cheerleaders to purchase their own uniforms in order to participate in the program. This can be prohibitive for some families since it runs nearly $300 per girl. Boyer Valley provides Cheer uniforms, so we need to take inventory so that we can keep better track of them.

You may be charged for uniforms not returned by the end of the year, just like unreturned library and textbooks, ChromeBooks or other school equipment.

I know you love yours and don't want to give it up. It's like a part of you. No one would dare ask a superhero to give up their costume! If you want to be sure that you'll get yours back next Fall, pin a note with your name on each piece, that way we'll know who's was who's. 

There are a couple of you who we need to measure for re-sized pieces if you decide to tryout again as well. Be sure that we get that taken care of before you leave for the summer if that's the case. Thanks.

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