Thursday, May 16, 2013

Websites you May Need

Coach's Internet Empire
CheerPositive; Our Cheerleading Wiki
Here you'll find videos to chants, jumps, and workouts as well as tons of content about what it means to be a cheerleader and leadership in general.

CheerCoach's Blog; Est.2004
Here's where to look for news & announcements about things like t-shirts, fundraisers, schedule changes etc., as well as pictures, and encouragement. Look through the archives and see what previous squads looked like from years gone by,

Coach's YouTube Channel; Video Tutorials
Here you'll find more videos to chants, jumps and workouts as well as demonstrations by some of our own on how to perform the school fight-song dance. There's even one video from 2005 where the squad runs through our entire list of chants. Want to practice on your own this summer? Then this is where to go.

CheerPinBoard; Ideas & Inspiration
Yes, it can be an addictive waste of time, but unlike facebook- there's no drama! Visit here for quotes, ideas, and resources. Everything from being positive to exercise routines.

Other Valuable Websites

AmericanCheerleader; Magazine
This is THE magazine for cheerleaders.

Miss Pineapple's Cheer Page; Cheer Central
This former cheerleader has put together an amazing menagerie of links, resources, ideas and community.; NCA, UCA, UDA, plus SHOPPING!
The premiere online destination for cheerleading. Tutorials, Cheers, Chants, Jumps, and shoes clothes & accessories too. This site was started by Varsity sportswear along with the National Cheer Association, and the Universal Cheer and Dance Associations.

ICCA; Iowa Cheer Coaches' Association
Want to know the rules? Here's wo make the rules (I just make you follow them)


Visit to view our Cheer  Google Calendar, which you can subscribe to. Or visit and bookmark Boyer Valley's official school calendar at

Mon Aug 5- Fri Aug 9, 9:00AM
2013 SUMMER CHEER PRACTICES (Tentative; pending 4-H, vacation, etc.)

Mon Aug 12-Wed Aug 14
Alternate Dates for Summer Cheer Practices

Thurs & Fri Aug 22-24, 3:20pm
First After-School Practices

Mon, Tues, Thur unless announced otherwise*
*Those on Volleyball and Cross Country are encouraged to attend at least once a week if/when possible, but aren't required to if they can't, so long as they attend Summer Practices.

Anticipate Homecoming to be the October 4 or 11, but TBA until new Student Council Adviser announces.

Fri 30 Aug 
EHK-Exira @ Elk Horn

Fri 6 Sep
Glidden Ralston home

Fri 13 Sep 
Coon Rapids-Bayard @ Coon Rapids

Fri 20 Sep 
Stanton home

Fri 27 Sep 
Ar-We-Va @ Westside

Fri 4 Oct 
Heartland Christian home

Fri 11 Oct 
CO-U home

Fri 18 Oct 
Woodbine @ Woodbine

Fri 25 Oct
West Harrison home

Sorry to keep you waiting...

Congratulations to the 2013 Football Cheerleaders:

  • Jade Allard
  • Mali Bounsana
  • Larissa Hollinger
  • Liberty Monk
  • Madison Seuntjens
  • Jennifer Zehner
  • Catherine Dublinski
  • Kaitlin Holben
  • Lara Laubscher
And Mascot Chelsea Willis

Monday, May 13, 2013

Sorry about the Delay...

I'm waiting on 5 more score sheets from ONE last judge.
At this point, although I have all the other numbers entered, I'm afraid I won't be able to announce next year's squad until at least this Wednesday.