It's getting to be that time of year again. Boyer Valley Cheer and Drill Squads share concession duties at home track meets. Most years we host 5 track meets, so while there are only 3 dates now, Athletic Director Ernie Klein will no doubt have a couple more to add before too long. Please plan ahead for which meet you'd like to work.
- Thr April 7- BV Girls Invitational 4:30 pm
- Tue April 19- BV Junior High Invitational 4 pm
- Mon May 9- BV Boy's Invitational 4:30 pm
Everyone who's participated in Cheer or Drill at BV in 2010-11 are expected to work at least one meet. Ideally we should have a crew of 5 squad members at each meet. Please let Mr. Mallory know what days you'd prefer to work as soon as possible. A sign-up sheet will become available next week.
We realize that many of you are also participating in Track yourselves. It may be best for Track athletes to work at the junior high meet or at the boy's meet, and non-Track members can work at the girl's meet and the coed high school meet (if/when Ernie schedules it). If for some reason you can not serve, it will be your responsibility to find someone to work for you- your best bet would be NHS members who need service hours.
FYI- Working meets will be weighed in your behalf at Cheerleading tryouts in May- which, by the way, will probably be either May 12th or 19th, more information on that later.
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