Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Uh oh...

To: Coach
From: Rena
Knee injury

hey mr. mallory.. how's ur summer? mine is ok.. um i
suffered a knee injury during softball and i went to a specialist today and i have to go back on monday to get an mri on my knee... he thinks i may have torn my meniscus but only the mri will tell.. i am still gonna be there for cheerleading.

To: Rena
From: Coach
Re: Knee injury

¡Aye carumba!
You may be out for cheer, but none of that 20 jumps per quarter like
last year! :(
¡Mi bebĂ© pobre, me siento tan apesadumbrado para usted!

But I look forward to whatever you can give- which I know is LOUD and proud!

To: Everybody

Hmmm, so how are Kensie's knees? I talked to Kassi at the Crawford Co. Fair a couple weeks ago, she has a new job at Cronk's and thinks she'll skip football season and come out for basketball again. Hmmm. Anyone hear from Christine? Kinda sounds like we'll just have the same 4 as last year for FB, only... even less jumps and stunts. Cest la vie.

So try to remember and practice as many chants as you can and start thinking of ideas for Homecoming. Se ya in JUST A COUPLE OF WEEKS!!! MwuHaHAHAHA (menacing mad scientist laugh)!!!

Love y'all,

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