AUUUGH! I can't believe I did this- We have ANOTHER meet on Monday, May 5! I swore I had them all and we only had 5. Not sure how I missed this 6th one. Its the Rolling Valley Conference Track Meet @ Dunlap. HS, and I think it's co-ed, which means that our track members won't be able to work it.
I'm looking for volunteers. So far this season, you've been great workers and frankly, we're actually having fun aren't we? Please let me know ASAP so I can put a schedule together this week. Thanks. Sorry about this. My brain's been fried this Spring.PS & FYI- I'm going to see if NIkki will work for me this Thursday, May 1 because our daughter Annamarie has a school concert that night that I'd like to go to. But I'll let you know if she can or not as soon as she lets me know.On Tue, Apr 15, 2014 at 1:34 PM, Ted Mallory <> wrote:
Okay- I've gone over the Girls & Boys Track and the Golf Schedule and this looks like the best I can do for all of you. I'm sending copies to our Golf & Track coaches so that they'll know you'll need to miss practice those days.I'm asking Nikki Ahart to be the adult at the next meet because I'm scheduled to go to a technology conference in Omaha that day. (Will that still work for you Nikki?- please let me know, because I can come back early if I have to).
Frankly this ends up being a little unfair to those not in Golf or Track because instead of everyone working 2 meets, they all have to work 3 each. But we're a small school and I'd rather encourage you to be in more than one sport. I may try to think of some special reward/thank-you to those of you working multiple meets though, I really appreciate your help.I scheduled more people for the Apr 24 meet than the May 1 one because while they're both MS, this upcoming one has 6 schools, whereas the May meet has only 5.Please let me know ASAP if there is a problem with any of these dates of if you get sick- so that we can try to find a replacement for you. Thanks everyone.
MEET Th Apr 24- Junior High Invite Thr May 1- JrHi Harrison County Invite Mo May 12- Boys' HS Invite Tue May 13- JrHi Rolling Valley Conference SUPERVISOR N.Ahart (?) Coach Mallory Coach Mallory Coach Mallory STAFF Jade Allard, Catherine Dublinski, Liberty Monk, Chelsea Willis Jade Allard, Catherine Dublinski, Larissa Hollinger Catherine Dublinski, Mali Bounsana, Lara Laubscher, Jennifer Zehner Catherine Dublinski, Larissa Hollinger, Liberty Monk, Madison Seuntjens,
Monday, April 28, 2014
Re: Track Concessions Schedules
Re: Track Concessions Schedules
I'm looking for volunteers. So far this season, you've been great workers and frankly, we're actually having fun aren't we? Please let me know ASAP so I can put a schedule together this week. Thanks. Sorry about this. My brain's been fried this Spring.
Okay- I've gone over the Girls & Boys Track and the Golf Schedule and this looks like the best I can do for all of you. I'm sending copies to our Golf & Track coaches so that they'll know you'll need to miss practice those days.I'm asking Nikki Ahart to be the adult at the next meet because I'm scheduled to go to a technology conference in Omaha that day. (Will that still work for you Nikki?- please let me know, because I can come back early if I have to).
Frankly this ends up being a little unfair to those not in Golf or Track because instead of everyone working 2 meets, they all have to work 3 each. But we're a small school and I'd rather encourage you to be in more than one sport. I may try to think of some special reward/thank-you to those of you working multiple meets though, I really appreciate your help.I scheduled more people for the Apr 24 meet than the May 1 one because while they're both MS, this upcoming one has 6 schools, whereas the May meet has only 5.Please let me know ASAP if there is a problem with any of these dates of if you get sick- so that we can try to find a replacement for you. Thanks everyone.
MEET Th Apr 24- Junior High Invite Thr May 1- JrHi Harrison County Invite Mo May 12- Boys' HS Invite Tue May 13- JrHi Rolling Valley Conference SUPERVISOR N.Ahart (?) Coach Mallory Coach Mallory Coach Mallory STAFF Jade Allard, Catherine Dublinski, Liberty Monk, Chelsea Willis Jade Allard, Catherine Dublinski, Larissa Hollinger Catherine Dublinski, Mali Bounsana, Lara Laubscher, Jennifer Zehner Catherine Dublinski, Larissa Hollinger, Liberty Monk, Madison Seuntjens,
Ted found a board for you on Pinterest!
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Make sure that you "Bring it!"
Okay- gotta say this- I really love this 2013-14 Squad. If I could keep you forever I would. But here's a reminder about our upcoming tryouts; there's 6 boxes, there's only room for 6 + a mascot in the van for away football games. Rules say only 6 at away basketball games. I anticipate taking 8, I know a lot of people are hoping fo 10. Plan on 8. No one really likes being an alternate anyway.
We had 6 Sophomores, a Freshman and a Junior this year. There's at least 3 people planning on trying out who'll be Seniors, those same 6 who'll now be Juniors, a couple who'll be Sophomores and maybe one or two Freshmen. In other words; this year its gonna be competitive.
So be ready for it. Bring your "A-Game." Here's a couple of links that you can look through for videos and ideas to help you get ready:
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Thr May 1- JrHi Harrison County Invite | Mo May 12- Boys' HS Invite | Tue May 13- JrHi Rolling Valley Conference |
Coach Mallory | Coach Mallory | Coach Mallory |
Jade Allard, Catherine Dublinske, Liberty Monk, Chelsea Willis | Catherine Dublinske, Mali Bounsana, Lara Laubscher,Chelsea Willis, Jennifer Zehner | Catherine Dublinske, Larissa Hollinger, Liberty Monk, Madison Seuntjens, Chelsea Willis |
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Track Concessions Schedules
MEET | Th Apr 24- Junior High Invite | Thr May 1- JrHi Harrison County Invite | Mo May 12- Boys' HS Invite | Tue May 13- JrHi Rolling Valley Conference |
SUPERVISOR | N.Ahart (?) | Coach Mallory | Coach Mallory | Coach Mallory |
STAFF | Jade Allard, Catherine Dublinski, Liberty Monk, Chelsea Willis | Jade Allard, Catherine Dublinski, Larissa Hollinger | Catherine Dublinski, Mali Bounsana, Lara Laubscher, Jennifer Zehner | Catherine Dublinski, Larissa Hollinger, Liberty Monk, Madison Seuntjens, |