Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but summer is just about over.
Just thought I'd finalize our time and dates and try to get word out about it.
Mon-Fri, August 6-10, 9:00AM-NOON
Come whichever days you can, as many days as you can. It would be great if we could have all of you all 5 days, but I think that Kaitlyn already told me she'd miss Monday for a horse thing and I'm not sure when XC practice is for Jenn & Shannon or if/when anyone is in VB.
Meet in the Art room in Dunlap. We'll work in there a lot, and some in the commons (for stunting).
Meet in the Art room in Dunlap. We'll work in there a lot, and some in the commons (for stunting).
Weather/heat permitting we'll work at least one day down at the track so you know what Friday night football is like. Volleyball permitting, we may even spend a few minutes in the gym just to see what pep rallies and basketball season is like.
We may want to practice right after school on the 15th & 16th, but those are early outs and I don't know what's expected of teachers that first week yet so I'm not going to decide that just yet.
I believe that our first game is Friday Aug 24th so DO plan on practicing 3:30-4:30/5 on Mon-Thur Aug. 20-23, as many days as you can (I understand about Cross Country practices.)
I'm looking forward to seeing all of you again and hope you've been having the greatest summer of your lives- or at least the hottest (lame attempt at humor)!