Auctioneer and Coaches-
I'm not going to be able to make it Sunday to the jersey auction this year. We have family coming from California, Kansas, and South Dakota this weekend for my in-law's 50th anniversary. I feel REALLY bad about it, especially since we have so many freshmen on cheer squad this year.
Jon- It would be great is you could auction the cheer squad before the football team. There's fewer of them, the boys are the real anchor of the auction anyway, the boys will draw more money and it will be kind to get it over with fast for these poor freshmen girls. Thanks. You've been doing it that way the last few years anyway.
Stacie or Kent- If one of you is there and you wouldn't mind, maybe you could say a quick something about the squad over all since I won't be able to. You guys at least know the Zehner sisters.
If not, maybe Jon, Ernie, or Jay could just read this for me:
I'd just like everyone to know that I'm incredibly proud of this year's squad. They get along well, they work hard, they've been practicing stunts and pyramids this year and since there's 6 Freshmen, we're looking forward to having a great program for the next few years. Our Seniors Quincy and Shannon have come a long way since they've started and I'm particularly proud of them. We have a new mascot for the first time in for years and she shows an incredible amount of spunk and has a lot of energy. We're all really proud to be supporting our boys because they work so hard and deserve it.
I'm having them bring their current uniforms this year, so if someone could make sure each cheerleader knows who paid for it so they can write them a thank-you and so that they can get their uniform back by next Thursday, that would be great.
Thanks, sorry to miss it.
Here's our roster if anybody needs it.
2012 Football Cheer Squad
Seniors Quincy Baker & Shannon Zehner
Sophomore Jennifer Zehner
Freshmen Catherin Dublimske, Larissa Hollinger, & Kaitlyn Holden
Alternates, Freshmen Jessica Hollander & Mali Bounsana
& Mascot, Freshman Chelsea Willis
Boyer Valley Community Schools
Challenging all students to meet their full potential
Art | Yearbook | Cheerleading | Newsletter | Web Coordinator
Art | Yearbook | Cheerleading | Newsletter | Web Coordinator
School- 712-643-2258 Ext. 249
Cell- 712-269-5853
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