Friday, August 03, 2012

Reminder: Practice Next Week

Mon-Fri, August 6-10, 9:00AM-NOON

Come whichever days you can, as many days as you can. It would be great if we could have all of you all 5 days, but I think that Kaitlyn already told me she'd miss Monday for a horse thing and I'm not sure when XC practice is for Jenn & Shannon or if/when anyone is in VB.

Meet in the Art room in Dunlap. We'll work in there a lot, and some in the commons (for stunting).

Weather/heat permitting we'll work at least one day down at the track so you know what Friday night football is like. Volleyball permitting, we may even spend a few minutes in the gym just to see what pep rallies and basketball season is like.

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