Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Mr. Mallory's Awards Banquet thing

Good evening, I'm sorry that I can't be there tonight. At the time of this writing I haven't decided yet if I will be attending my daughter Ellen's PreSchool Graduation, or if I'll still be stuck on the couch with the flu.

I hope that all of the coaches' jokes have been as good this year as usual.

Will this year's cheerleaders for both the Football and Basketball seasons please come up and together?

Above all, I want to thank ALL of the Boyer Valley fans, students, parents, and community- I've watched as school spirit and Bulldog pride have continued to grow. Supporting our teams while having fun and making noise in a positive way is what cheerleading is all about. Without great crowds though, cheerleaders can't lead cheers. Without fantastic fans like Boyer Valley has, they aren't cheerleaders, they'd just be cheer-ers, or something like that. So thank you Bulldogs for being loud and being proud.

It isn't easy to stand in front of hundreds of people and try to get them to shout with you and encourage teams.

It takes a very special type of person- either someone with truckloads of school spirit and plenty of courage, someone who's not afraid to get rowdy... either that, or else it takes a major megalomaniac who's starved for attention.

This year's football megalomaniacs- uh, cheerleaders braved bugs and heat and cold and rain and wind and Coach Mallory's driving school vans to away games.

They were: Freshmen MecKensie Jensen, Sasha Meggers, Megan Nielson and Junior Rena Hayden

These were your Football Cheerleaders

This year's Basketball cheerleaders braved wicked cold drafts through gym doors, sweltering hot gyms, and basketballs, players and referees that came careening into them with no warning almost every game.

They included letter winners: Sophomore Vicki Jones, Junior Kayla Donscheski and two amazing Seniors who will be sorely missed, Cassie Androy and Angie Kirk.

These were your Basketball Cheerleaders

And finally, I feel especially bad for not being able to attend tonight because we need to recognize an outstanding athlete who usually isn't thought of as an athlete- usually he's thought of more like a plush toy. He can run, jump, hurdle, dance, dodge and escape chasing Elementary kids who want to yank his tail. He has entertained children and adults, teased, provoked, performed with and at times directed cheerleaders. He has studied, planed and practiced routines and taken meticulous care of his uniform (er, costume). That costume, by the way, means that no matter what he's done at every game, he has been at least 30 degrees hotter than everyone else. In the last seven years there have been only three full-time mascots, which means that this athlete has not only played, but started all four years of his high school career.

Tonight we want to say thank you, we're proud of you, and we will miss you to Senior Brett Malone

Your Boyer Valley Bulldog!

PS- Sorry I couldn't be there tonight, I'm really feeling quite "shredded," as Cameron said in Ferris Bueller's Day Off.

Football girls, we've gone through a lot ever since Jr Hi Cheer and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Basketball girls- you four shows the most commitment and work ethic - guess I should've just had 4 for both seasons, instead of trying for 8.

Seniors, I'm gonna miss you and really hope you'll keep in touch.

Brett, what can I say? There are not words...

All 9 of you, you all make me very proud and I love you all very much. Have an awesome summer if there are any of you that I don't see in the next three days.


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