Monday, October 31, 2011

Uniforms are not costumes

There are rumors that people saw Boyer Valley Cheerleading uniforms used as Halloween costumes last night in Dunlap.

I guess I needed to have made our policy clear to you ahead of time. Our uniforms are uniforms, not costumes.

For future reference: No one should wear your uniform but you and you should never wear your uniform unless it is a Varsity game day and you will be cheering that night of participating at a pep-rally or if you will be representing the school at a school function (Homecoming parade, the "Senior Prom" at the Care Center, Rock-in-Prevention assembly,  or some other school-sanctioned charitable event).

I don't know for sure that anyone did actually go trick-or-treating in a uniform, and if so who, so there won't be any consequences this time- but please keep this policy in mind from now on.

Consequences could include at least a one-game suspension or if  it's believed that the violation was blatant, removal from squad.

Also, I consider poms to be part of your uniform. You are responsible for not losing them, so I'd prefer that they not be loaned out to any non-cheerleaders.  I haven't said anything at football games, but they are more likely to be thrown, lost, damaged, or fought-over during basketball games- so please do not let crowd members play with them. Keep them with you at all times. Thank You

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