Sunday, September 19, 2010

Congratulations KB

I may say this kind of thing almost every year, but I TRULY mean it this time- it couldn't have happened to a nicer girl. Sure she has model good looks, sure she'd involved in a lot of stuff, and sure she's popular and all that- but as long as I've known her, Kaitlyn Bonsall has been accepting and friendly to all students no matter who they are (or how weird they are, frankly). She treats everyone the same. She's one of the hardest working students I know and she also happens to be one of the best artists in the school. She could be fooling me, I am pretty gullible, but I'm pretty sure that she's pretty well grounded and has a lot of character and integrity too. I'm really happy for her and proud of her as her cheerleading coach. I'm also really proud of the students at Boyer Valley, not just for voting for her, but really, all six of the Senior guys and girls you voted in as candidates are basically great kids, not just popular or good looking.

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